Author: minemobs

Breaking ShonenJump+'s anti piracy system

Hi guys

Today I’m going to show you how to break ShonenJump+.

But before writing all that code, we’ll have to take a look at an example.

Example of shuffled panel

We can see that we might be able to unpuzzle this by just taking each pieces and putting them in their right place, and that’s what I tried to do, but some pieces where bigger than others.

So basically every panels on the website in unpuzzled by a javascript file but we’re not going to look at it ‘cause it’s too big.

What I did instead was searching on Github if anyone already had an idea on how to unpuzzle those because I’m a lazy man.

And I did found a lot of answers, and for this we’ll need 2 magic numbers.

multiplier = 8 and divider = 4, We’ll need those to get values like the height of each rows and their width.

import kotlinx.serialization.ExperimentalSerializationApi
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
import kotlinx.serialization.json.*
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage
import javax.imageio.ImageIO
import kotlin.math.floor

fun BufferedImage.getRGB(x: Int, y: Int, width: Int, height: Int): IntArray = getRGB(x, y, width, height, null, 0, width)
fun BufferedImage.setRGB(x: Int, y: Int, width: Int, height: Int, rgbArray: IntArray) = setRGB(x, y, width, height, rgbArray, 0, width)
fun write(output: BufferedImage, name: String) = ImageIO.write(output, "png", File(name))

data class Page(val height: Int, val width: Int, val type: String, val src: String)

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val url = if(args.isNotEmpty()) args[0] else {println("Enter your url"); readln()}
    if(!url.endsWith(".json")) throw IllegalArgumentException("The URL doesn't ends with .json")
    URI.create(url).toURL().openStream().use { getImages(it) }

private val json = Json { ignoreUnknownKeys = true }

fun getImages(it: InputStream) {
    val pages = json.decodeFromStream<JsonObject>(it)["readableProduct"]!!
        .map { it.jsonObject }.filter { it.containsKey("src") }
        .map { json.decodeFromJsonElement<Page>(it) }
    pages.forEachIndexed { index, page -> write(URI.create(page.src).toURL().openStream().use { getImage(it) }, "IMG-$index.png") }

fun getImage(`is`: InputStream): BufferedImage {
    val img =`is`)
    val w = img.width
    val h = img.height
    val output = BufferedImage(img.width, img.height, img.type)
    val div = 4
    val mult = 8
    val colWidth = floor(w / (div * mult).toDouble()).toInt() * mult
    val rowHeight = floor(h / (div * mult).toDouble()).toInt() * mult

    output.setRGB(0, 0, w, h, img.getRGB(0,0, w, h))
    for(col in 0..<div) {
        for(row in 0..col) {
            output.setRGB(row * colWidth, col * rowHeight, colWidth, rowHeight, img.getRGB(col * colWidth, row * rowHeight, colWidth, rowHeight))
            if(col == row) continue
            output.setRGB(col * colWidth, row * rowHeight, colWidth, rowHeight, img.getRGB(row * colWidth, col * rowHeight, colWidth, rowHeight))
    return output